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Brands 101

Are you interested in knowing about a brand's upcoming events?

Updated over a week ago

What is a brand?

You can use a brand to track your favourite brand's events. When you land on the page, everything they have listed on Skiddle will show here. When you purchase a ticket you will automatically start following the brand.

How to follow a brand

On the website

When you are on the brand’s page, the following banner will show.

You need to press the 'Follow this brand' button.

This will look like this once pressed and it is active and you can keep up to date with the brand.

On the app

You are also able to follow a brand on the app. First, log into the app and head to the following button on the bottom options menu. You will then click brands. This will show you a list of all the brands you currently follow. If you would like to follow a particular brand, you are able to search for the brand here and give it a follow.

Once following you can easily find events they’re hosting in just a few clicks 🥳

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